C25 in C35 pa sta spredaj že malo izdolbena zato odprtino pobarvamo s črno
barvo in zamaskiramo z ovalno masko.
C25 and C35 are already carved in the front. The hatch must be painted with a
black color and masked with an oval tape.
8.2 Vstopnika
na spodnjem smerniku (B10) - Intakes on the ventral fin (B10)
na spodnjem smerniku sta samo nakazana kot vstopnika zato ju izdelamo iz
aluminijaste pločevine (Pragerfolie). Na smerniku B10 najprej odrežemo 3mm
začetka vstopnika in na preostanku pripravimo 0,5mm široko ležišče za
aluminijasti del vstopnika. Na orodju iz 3,5mm širokega aluminijastega traku
oblikujemo najprej pravokotno obliko, široko 1mm.
intakes must be made of alluminium foil (Pragerfolie). On the ventral B10 we
must first cut off 3mm of the end and on the rest prepair 0,5mm wide spot for
the alluminum part of the intake. On the proper tools we form rectangular part out
of the 3,5mm wide alluminum foil app. 1mm wide.
s primernim orodjem oblikujemo ovalno obliko. Potrebujemo mehkejšo podlago,
zadostuje že karton.
we can shape oval form with the right tools. All we need is a soft base plate (carton).
aluminijastega začetka vstopnika s plastičnim nadaljevanjem prekrijemo s kitom.
joint of the alluminum intake with the plastic part can be carved with a putty.
8.3 Izstopnika
(izpuha) - Exhausts
spodnjem delu trupa tik pod krilom sta tudi dva izstopnika C23. Izdelamo ju iz
aluminijaste pločevine, vendar tokrat ne uporabimo Pragerfolije ampak
aluminijasto pločevino, ki jo najdemo kot notranji pokrov v pločevinkah raznih
prehrambenih proizvodov. Ta pločevina je mehkejša in jo je lažje oblikovati
okoli modela po vseh krivinah.
the lower part right beneath the wings there are 2 exausts C23. They may be
made of alluminum foil, wich can be found as an internal hatch of the coffee,
cocoa or some other cans. This foil is softer and is easier to shape it around
the model on all the curves.
izdelamo model iz plastike. Pri velikosti modela moramo upoštevati, da bomo
pločevino oblikovali preko modela in nam izdelek lahko izpade prevelik.
we make a model out of the plastic. At the size of the model we must consider,
that the foil will be shaped over the model and the final product can turn out
too big.
s primernim orodjem oblikujemo preko modela po vseh krivinah.
foil can be shaped over the model on all the areas with proper tools.
koncu še obrežemo in pobrusimo.
the end we must cut it and grind it.
ima v svojem kompletu Mig-21 Exterior 86 različnih jedkanih delov. Vtej fazi
jih bomo uporabili 29.
has all kinds of PE parts in his kit. In this phase, we will use them 29.
9.1 Dodatki
- spodaj - Accessories - Lower
z dodatkom št.26, to je »ležišče« za trolistno IFF anteno na nosu letala. Del
št.26 lahko nalepimo kar na trup, vendar je bolje da pred tem plastiko
poglobimo, ker bo sicer del 26 preveč odstopal od površine.
begin with accessories No 26, that is a spot for the IFF aerial on the nose of
the plane. Part No 26 can be glued on the body but is reccommended, that we
deepend the plastic before, otherwise the part No 26 will depart from the
surface itself.
dodatek je okrogla ploščica št. 37 (antena radiokompasa). Ta dodatek potrebuje
poglobitev v plastiko.
accessories is a circle shaped plate No 37(radiocompass aerial) that needs to
be deepend into the plastic.
št. 42 potrebujejo poglobitev zareze v katero jih nalepimo s trenutnim lepilom.
Pripadajoče trakove št. 71 pa lepimo z dvokomponentnim lepilom.
No 42 (gun blast deflector) needs to be deepend into the panel in witch they
are glued with a contact glue. PartNo 71 can be glued with a 2 conponent glue.
pomožnega štartnega raketnega motorja pred montažo preuredimo (del št. 5). Med
obe polovici vsakega nosilca prilepimo aluminijasti trak, ki nam bo olajšal
leplenje nosilca na trup letala. Na trupu naredimo ustrezno globoko zarezo za
aluminijasti trak.
holder of the boost rocket engines must be modified before assembly (part No 5).
Between both halfs of each holder we need to glue an alluminum tape, wich saves
us the gluing procces on the body. The body must be modified with a small panel
line for an alluminum tape.
del štartnega motorja je pritrjen na del D63. Dopolnimo ga tako, da poglobimo
zarezo in mu dodamo žico s kroglico na koncu.
part of the boost engine needs to be glued on the D63 part. We can fill it with
a wire with a ball on the end.
dielektrične plošče št. 54 potrebuje poglobitev v plastiko. Oba nastavka za
pitot cevi pod krilom pa morata odstopati od površine.
frame of dielectric board No54 needs to be deepend into the plastic. Both parts
for the pitot tubes beneath the wings must depart from the surface.
9.2 Dodatki
- zgoraj - Accessories - upper
zgornji strani krila so krila št. 3 in 4 za katera moramo poglobiti žleb v
katerega jih zalepimo. Nalepimo tudi oba dela št. 85, ki pa jih je Eduard že
naredil previsoke, zato jih znižamo - pobrusimo vsaj na polovico višine.
the top side of the wing there are another wings No 3 and 4, that need to be
put together into the panel. We need to glue both parts No 85, wich Eduard
made'em to high, so we need to make them lower (Grind them on at least half of
their height).
zalepimo rep letala (H2, H6) na trup, moramo namestiti ploščico št. 81 na
zgornji strani izpuha.
we glue the tail of the aircraft (H2,H6) on the body, we must place the plate No
81 on the top side of the exaust.
sami shrambi zaviralnega padala sta dva kovinska dela (št. 57, 63) namenjena
odpiranju in zapiranju.
the breaking parachute storage there a 2 metal parts (57,63) wich are used for
opening and closing the room.
št. 26 za ležišče trolistne IFF antene na vrhu repa je preširok za debelino
zgornjega roba. Dodatek malo zožimo z brušenjem, zgornji rob repa pa razširimo
s kitom.
No 26 for the IFF aerial on the top of the wing is too wide for the width of
the top edge. To solve this problem we must narrow it down with grinding, top
edge needs to ve widen.
statične elektrike so pri Eduardu ploščati, zato jih nadomestimo z žico.
discharge wicks are square shaped in Eduards kit so we replace them with a
9.3 Sprednja
pitot cev - Pitot - static boom
Eduardovega plastičnega dela D4 uporabimo kovinsko cev proizvajalca MASTER. Od
dela D4 se uporabi samo ležišče cevi v katero je potrebno zvrtati luknje
0,8mm.Vrtati je potrebno pod pravilnim kotom, zato si je dobro izrisati celoten
del D4.
of Eduards part D4 we use a metal pipe of the MASTER company. Of the part D4 we
only use the pipe spot in wich we need to drill a 0,8mm hole. We need to drill
under the right angle, so is reccommended to draw the part D4 for easier
ukrivimo kakor je prikazano v priloženem načrtu. Če jo lepimo v ležišče s
trenutnim lepilom kakor je svetovano od proizvajalca, moramo biti pazljivi.
Koleno cevi mora biti pravokotno na tla in lahko se zgodi, da nam bo vrh cevi
štrlel na eno ali drugo stran (pri trenutnem lepilu imamo pač le en poizkus).
bend the pipe as is shown in instrucitons. If we're planning to glue it with a
contact glue we must be really carefull. The knee of the pipe must be
rectangular on the floor and it may happen that the top of the pipe will be
looking on the both sides of the part. We only have one shot with using the
contact glue.
9.4 Pitot
cev pred kabino (D68) - Dynamic pressure probe
cev za merjenje dinamičnega pritiska naredimo v samogradnji. Cev iz plastike
odrežemo, ležišče cevi pa pokitamo in pobrusimo tako, da bo ta del res okrogel.
Spredaj izvrtamo še luknjo kamor bomo nasadili pitot cev.
probe for the dynamic pressure measuring can be scratchbuilt. We cut the pipe
out of the plastic, the spot of the pipe must be filled with a putty and
grinded so the part is really round. In front we drill another hole where we
gonna place the pipe.
cev izdelamo iz injekcijske igle 0,4mm, razširitev cevi na koncu pa izdelamo iz
igle 0,7mm.
pipe itself can be made of hypodermic needle 0,4mm, the extension of the pipe
on the end with 0,7mm.
10. TOP GSh-23 - CANNON GSh-23
vse kovinske dodatke iz kompleta Mig-21MF exterior.
use all metal accessories form the Mig-21MF exterrior kit.
F31 izdolbemo in vanj prilepimo ustja topovskih cevi (injekcijska igla 0,8mm).
Na kovinski del št.83 prilepimo še aluminijasto ploščico z luknjama
F31 must be carved and we need to glue them into the spot of the cannon pipes (Hypodermic
needle 0,8mm). On the metal part No.83 we glue an alluminum foil with holes (Scratchbuild).
delamo Mig-a verzije M je potrebno zadnjo polovico topovske gondole malo
preoblikovati, saj je Eduardova varianta gondole narejena za zadnjo verzijo
MF-ja in BIS-a.
we are making an M verison we need to reshape the back half of the cannon
gondola, because the Eduards version is made for the latest MF and BIS version.
opazna razlika je v velikosti izpustnikov za prazne tulce nabojev. Zadnja
varianta topovske gondole je imela opazno manjše izpustnike. Plastični deli za
izpustnike št.F18 so ravno prav majhni za zadnjo varianto gondole. Jedkani deli
št.28 pa so ravno prav veliki za vse predhodne verzije, zato uporabimo le-te. S
sprednje strani izpustnika je dobro vidna pregrada. Naredimo jo iz pločevine
jedkanih delov, prav tako pregrado na zadnji strani.
most noticable difference is in the size of the spent case ejection ports. The
lastest version has a small hatches. Plastic hatches part No.F18 are to small
for our version. The PE parts No.28 are the right size, so we use this one.
From the front side of the hatch we can see a barrier. We make this barrier out
of the leftovers of PE parts. We do the same on the back side.