Jugoslovansko vojno letalstvo, št. 805 - Yugoslav Air Force
Jugoslovansko vojno letalstvo, št. 805 - Yugoslav Air Force
Eduard 1:48
Uporabljeni dodatki (Used Accessories):
Eduard Brassin - 648035 Mig-21MF Interior early
Eduard Brassin - 648027 Mig-21MF/SMT Exhaust Nozzle
Eduard - 48702 Mig-21MF Exterior, Photo-etched set
1. KABINA (Cockpit)
1.1. Pokrov kabine (Canopy)
Pokrov kabine je bil stanjšan po celotnem obodu, spodnji rob na obeh straneh pa odebeljen. Od jedkanih delov so bili uporabljeni samo zapiralni mehanizem (PE12, PE13), kovinski obroč (PE9) ter ploščice z napisi. Vsi ostali detajli so samogradnja.
The whole circumference of the canopy had been thinned. The lower edge on both sides had been widened with thin plastic card. From the photo-etched set I had used the canopy locking mechanism (PE12, PE13), metal ring (PE9) and some plates. All other details were scratch-built.
1.2. Vetrobransko steklo (Windshield)
Uporabljena sta bila oba epoksidna dela (R23, R25), kljuka na vrhu je samogradnja. Ostali detajli bodo dodani na samem koncu montaže.
Both resin parts (R23, R25) had been used, the hook on the top of the windshield was scratch-built. Other details will be added at the very end of assembling.
1.3. Zadnja stena kabine (The back wall of the cockpit)
Reliefni detajli na zadnji tretjini zadnje stene (R9) so bili pobrušeni in narejeni v samogradnji.
Relief details on the upper third of the back wall had been grind off and scratch-built.
1.4. Katapultni sedež KM-1 (Ejection seat KM-1)
All parts from Eduard Brassin set had been used. The head-rest had been reshaped. I had also changed the way of placing it on its position. All details behind the head-rest were scratch-built. Furthermore I scratch-built all details on the left side of the seat and also belts which Tighten pilots legs when ejection seat is activated. Missing seat belts also had been added. Decals for head-rest were made by Balkan Models. Decals from Eduard are too big.
Kompletna delavnica (Detailed Workshop here):