nedelja, 26. maj 2013

Mig-21M Eduard 1/48 (Part 3)

Jugoslovansko vojno letalstvo, št. 805 - Yugoslav Air Force
Eduard 1:48
Uporabljeni dodatki (Used Accessories):
Eduard Mig-21 MF exterior item No 48702
3.1. Prostor za kolesa - spredaj (Wheels Room - Front):
Od delov iz škatle uporabimo dele št. C40, C30, C19 in sprednjo polovico dela C1.

Used parts from the box are (No C40,C30, C19 and a front half od the C1 part).

Stranske stene prostora, namesto delov C49 in C52, izdelamo v samogradnji iz 0,5 mm debele plastike.
Instead of parts C49 and C52, it's reccomended to make your own parts out of the 0,5mm plastic.

Ojačitve na stranskih stenah kolesnega prostora so izdelane iz tanke aluminijaste pločevine.
Reinforcements on the side walls of the wheels room are made of thin aluminium sheets.

Od jedkanih delov iz kompleta Mig-21 MF exterior so bili uporabljeni naslednji deli:
Used accessories from the PE-parts set(Mig 21 MF exterior) are:

deli št. 32 in 87 (Parts No 32 and 87)
in deli št. 66 in 88 (Parts No 66 and 88)
Vsi ostali detajli so izdelani v samogradnji pri čemer so bile uporabljene injekcijske igle različnih debelin (cilindri), svinčena žica 0,2 in 0,3 mm (hidravlični vodi), bakrena žica 0,1 mm za izdelavo vzmeti ter različna plastika za izdelavo drugih detajlov. Notranjost kolesnega prostora je pobarvana z barvo Revell št.45. Ustrezna je sicer vsaka barva z oznako RLM02.
All other details were scratchbuilt out of the injection needles(different sizes, lead wire( 0,2mm & 0,3mm hydraulic circuit), copper wire( 0,1mm), for springs and plastic for other parts. Interior of the wheels room was painted with Revell 45. You can use any other paint with the mark RLM02.

3.2. Prostor za kolesa - zadaj (Wheels Room - Back)

Od delov iz škatle uporabimo vse dele ohišja (C2, C47, C14, C15) in tudi nekatere manjše dele kot so C22, D48, D50 in D53.
From the box we use all body parts(C2, C47, C14, C15) and some of the smaller parts (C22,D48, D50, D53).
Od Eduardovih dodatkov uporabimo le del št. 61 brez hidravličnih vodov (te porežemo ker so ploščati) ter dva dela št. 33.
From Eduard's accessories we only use part 61 without hydraulc circuit(and cut them because they're flat) and two parts No 33.
Najprej na vseh štirih delih ohišja navrtamo ustrezne odprtine, odtisnemo kovice, na zgornji strani delov C14 in C15 pa izdelamo še pregrade iz tanke plastike, na levi strani eno in na desni strani dve.
First we need to drill the holes on all 4 parts of the body and make rivets. On the top of the parts (C14 & C15) we must make a barrier out of the thin plastic. One on the left side and two on the right side.

Natisnjene instalacije na delih C15 in C16 pobrusimo in izdelamo v samogradnji. Nekatere detajle lahko izdelamo kar iz pločevine jedkanih delov.
We must grind the existing printed instalations on parts C15 and C16 and make our own. Some of the details can be made of PE parts sheet.

Za izdelavo vodov uporabimo bakreno žico 0,1 mm in svinčeno žico 0,2 ter 0,3 mm. Cilindri, konektorji in ventili so izdelani iz injekcijskih igel od 0,4 mm dalje. Cevi C24, C33 in C44 so izdelane iz bakrene žice 1,2 mm.
To make circuits we use wire 0,1mm and a lead wire 0,2 and 0,3mm. Cilinders, connectors and vents are all made of injection needles starting from 0,4mm. Pipes C24, C33 and C44 are made of copper wire 1,2mm.
Leva stran (Left side):

Desna stran (Right side):

Kompletna delavnica (Detailed Workshop here):

torek, 14. maj 2013

Mig-21M Eduard 1/48 (Part 2)

Jugoslovansko vojno letalstvo, št. 805 - Yugoslav Air Force
Eduard 1:48
1.5. Instrumentna plošča - spodnji del (Instrument Board - Lower section)
V ekranu je bila dodana prozorna plastika in dva gumba na plošči pod ekranom.
A radar scope has been modified with transparent plastic and two buttons beneath the screen.

1.6. Instrumentna plošča - zgornji del (Instrument Board - Upper section)

Na epoksidnem delu (R19) so bili reliefni instrumenti pobrušeni. Na njihovo mesto sta bili nalepljeni ustrezni ploščici, ki sta bili odrezani z originalnih jedkanih delov (iz "škatle").

On epoxy part (R19) I grinded the relief instruments. I replaced the old part with a new plates, from the original PE parts( from the box).

1.7. Leva in desna stran kabine (Left and right side of the Cockpit)
Najprej je bila z modro-zeleno barvo pobarvana notranjost epoksidnega dela (R8) nato pa vsa stikala, tipke in nekateri instrumenti.
Recept za izdelavo barve notranjosti je naslednji:
- Model Master Flat Green 1571 cca 10%
- Model Master Blue Gloss 1510 cca 45%
- Model Master Insignia White 17875 cca 45%
I used blue-green colour for the epoxy part (R8), all switches and instruments. The colours I used for the interior:
Model master flat green 1571 -cca 10%
Model Master blue gloss 1510- cca 45%
Model master insignia white 17875 cca 45%

Skoraj vse instrumentne ploščice ter nekateri drugi deli so bili nalepljeni z UHU dvokomponentnim lepilom (čas strjevanja 2 uri).
Almost all instrument boards and other parts were glued with UHU two-conponent glue (drying time app. 2 hours)

Uporabljeni dodatki (Used Accessories):
Eduard Brassin - Mig-21 MF/SMT
exhaust nozzle 1/48 item No 648027

Kompletna delavnica (Detailed Workshop here):