četrtek, 8. avgust 2013

Mig-21M Eduard 1/48 (Part 5)

Jugoslovansko vojno letalstvo, št. 805 - Yugoslav Air Force
Eduard 1:48
Sklop B3 sestoji iz osrednjega dela trupa spodaj, zračnih zavor, kolesnega prostora in instalacij v krilu.
In Section B3 we have a main body(below), air brakes, wheels room and installation in the wings.
5.1 Sprednje zračne zavore - Front air brakes
Ker sestavljamo Mig-a 21 verzije M jugoslovanskega vojnega letalstva (št. 805) je potrebno pri sprednjih zračnih zavorah narediti spremembe po katerih se ta verzija razlikuje od Eduardove MF. Zračne zavore pri verzijah R, S in M so bile simetrično prirezane.
Because we're building a yugoslavian MIG-21 M version of this aircraft(No 805), we need to make some modifications on the front air brakes wich is different than the Eduards MF version. Air brakes on versions R,S, and M were symetricaly cutted.
Ker bodo zavore odprte, je potrebno v delu B3 izrezati ustrezni odprtini v kateri namestimo preoblikovana dela A4 in A12.
Because the brakes are going to be opened we need to cut a small shaft on the B3 part and replace them with a A4 and A12.

Prav tako preoblikujemo obe zračni zavori (A8, A16). Za oba hidravlična cilindra pripravimo še kovinska vsadka iz injekcijskih igel.
We need to modify both air brakes A8 and A16. We must make both hydraulic cylinders out of the hypodermic needles.

Notranjo stran zavor dopolnimo z manjkajočimi detajli.
We fill front side of the brakes with missing parts.

Dela A4 in A12 sta bila pri verziji M pobarvana, razen servisne plošče, ki je ostala aluminijasta.
Parts A4 and A12 were painted on Version M, with service board in bare alluminium.

5.2 Kontrolna vratca za nabojne pasove - Amunition belt links collector hatch
Na levi strani trupa, takoj za zračno zavoro so kontrolna vratca za nabojne pasove. Eduardova maketa je kasnejša verzija MF-a, pri kateri so ta vratca večja kot pri verziji M ali zgodnejši verziji MF. Zato ta vratca graviramo na novo.
On the left side of the main body behind the air brakes are amunition belt links collector hatch. Eduards model is a late verison MF with bigger hatch as M or early version MF. We need to engrave this hatch.
5.2 Kovičenje - Riveting
Eduardova maketa nima nobenih kovic. Odtisnjene ima vijake na servisnih oplatah in ojačitvene vijake na površini kril ter repnih površinah. Servisne vijake povečamo s svedrom 0,3mm, ojačitvene vijake pa z iglo. Načrti za kovičenje vseh tipov Mig-a 21 so v knjigah Detail Scale Aircraft Drawings založbe R.V.Resin.
Eduards model doesn't have any rivet lines. The only thing that is printed are bolts on the service board and reinforcement bolts on the wings and tail surfaces. We need to drill service bolts with drill 0,3mm and reinforcement bolts with a needle. Plans for riveting all types of Mig-21 can be found in the books Detail Scale Aircraft Drawings by R.V.Resin.

5.4 Instalacije v krilu - Installations inside the wings
Od instalacij v krilu so najbolj vidne, če je naš pogled usmerjen proti zadnjemu delu letala, kisikove krogle in krogle stisnjenega zraka, modre ter črne barve. Eduard v svojih navodilih napačno navaja črno barvo za krogle z oznako D25, ki morajo biti modre barve tako kot krogle D26 in D28.
We can only see this installations if we're looking towards the back of the aircraft. Oxygen bottles and compressed air-bottles are painted with black and blue color. The black color D25 for bottles is wrong in Eduard's manual because we have to paint it with a blue color like bottles D26 and D28.
Če pogledamo proti sprednjemu delu letala, so prav tako vidni nekateri detajli od katerih pa Eduard v svojih dodatkih ponuja samo dve pregradi. V priloženem načrtu Eduard navaja napačen položaj teh delov (št. 6, 7, 8), pravilen položaj je označen z zeleno puščico.
If we are looking towards the front of the aircraft we can se some details of wich Eduard offers only 2 barriers. In Eduard's manual the position of parts No 6,7 and 8 are wrong, the right position is marked with a green arrow.
Samo del št.6 namestimo na zgornji del krila. Med delom št.6 in pregradami C17, C18 naj bo malo prostora, ker med njimi potekajo različni vodi.
Only part No 6 is placed on the top side of the wing. Between part No 6 and barriers C17, C18 we need some gap because between them are running various lines.

Ostale pregrade naredimo iz pločevine jedkanih delov, razen pregrade z ovalno odprtino, ki jo naredimo iz tanke plastike.
We must make other barriers out of the PE metal except the barrier with an oval opening wich can be made out of the thin plastic.

Vse ostale detajle naredimo v samogradnji, za kar uporabimo jedkano pločevino, injekcijske igle, bakreno žico ter Albionove cevi.
All other details are scratchbuilt out of the PE metal sheet, hypodermic needles, copper wire and Albion tubes.

Pristajalne luči izboljšamo tako da oba prozorna dela G2 prekrijemo z Alu-Spiegelfolie proizvajalca Ryher, ki ima na eni strani efekt ogledala.
Landing lights can be modified, both transparent parts G2 can be covered with an ''Alu-Speigelfolie" by Rayher. This foil contains a mirror on one side.

Sledi leplenje kolesnega prostora v sklop B3 in prav tako zgornje ter spodnje polovice krila. Na desni strani kolesnega prostora povežemo še oba voda modre barve s konektorji v krilu.
Next thing we need to do is to glue the wheels room in to the part B3, lower and top part of the wings aswell. On the right side of the wheels room we must connect both lines(blue color) with connectors in the wings.

5.5 Spajanje trupa in sklopa B3 - Putting together the body and B3 part
V tej fazi še ne gre za dokončno spajanje trupa in sklopa B3 ampak za njuno pomerjanje, da kasneje ne bi imeli težav.
Najprej že sedaj prilepimo obe zgornji polovici kril. Pri nameščanju kolesnega prostora v sklop B3 je potrebno paziti, da stranici C2 in C47 sedeta v ležišče do konca, sicer nam obe polovici trupa na zgornji strani silita narazen. Med krilom in obema stranicama zdrsi trup precej na tesno. Zato na notranji strani trupa kjer se trupa dotikata C2 in C47 naredimo žleb oziroma stene trupa malenkost stanjšamo.
In this phase we don't glue the body with a B3 part permanently but more of a fitting so that we don't have any problems later.
First we need to glue both sides of the wings. When installing the wheels room into a B3 part we must be carefull that the side C2 and C47 fits in it's place perfectly. Between wings and both sides a body fits really tight. Because of that we must make a channel on the top side of the body and parts C2 and C47, or we can thin a side wall.
Vsako polovico trupa potisnemo do konca v ležišče kar lahko preverimo če pogledamo v kolesni prostor od spodaj.
Each half of the body must be pushed till the end into the slide, at that time we check the position by looking  into the wheels room from the lower part of the body.

Dobimo perfekten stik trupa s krilom.
Here we can see a perfect fitting with the body.

Kompletna delavnica (Detailed Workshop here):