Jugoslovansko vojno letalstvo, št. 805 - Yugoslav Air Force
Eduard 1:48
12. ZUNANJI REZERVOAR - External fuel tank
Rezervoar je
bil nepobarvan, zato je imel naravni kovinski sijaj. Nosilec rezervoarja je
potrebno dopolniti s tanko plastiko na obeh krajih na spodnji strani.
The tank was unpainted
because he was really shinning. The carrier needs to be filled with thin
plastic on both ends of the lower side.
Mig-i 21M so lahko bili oboroženi z raketami R-3S (Atoll) in RS-2US (Alkali).
Yugoslavian Mig-21M were equipped with a R-3S and
RS-2US missiles.
13.1. Nosilci
in lanserji - Underwing pylons and lounchers
Na nosilcih
in lanserjih sem vgraviral nekatere detajle, odtisnil manjkajoče kovice, za
priključke med njimi pa uporabil injekcijske igle različnih debelin.
On launchers and pylons we
must engrave some details and make some rivets. For joints between I used an hypodermic
needles (different sizes).
13.2. Raketa R-3S - Missile R-3S
krilca sem stanjšal v celoti, zadnja krilca pa je potrebno tanjšati proti
njihovemu sprednjemu robu. Manjkajoče detajle sem naredil iz plastike in tanke
aluminijaste pločevine.
Front wings must be entirely thinned, back wings must be thinned towards the lower edge. Missing parts must made of plastic and thin aluminum plates.
Front wings must be entirely thinned, back wings must be thinned towards the lower edge. Missing parts must made of plastic and thin aluminum plates.
glavo rakete sem naredil s toplotnim preoblikovanjem prozorne folije.
Transparent missile head was made out of heated foil.
Transparent missile head was made out of heated foil.
Za izpušno
šobo motorja sem uporabil jedkane dele št. 38 iz Eduardovega kompleta.
For a missile engine nozzle
I used PE parts no.38 (Eduard).
lanser in raketo sem zlepil že v tej fazi. Varnostni zatič z zastavico je
Pylons, launcher and a missiles were glued in this phase. Safety hatch with a flag was scratch built.
Pylons, launcher and a missiles were glued in this phase. Safety hatch with a flag was scratch built.
13.3. Raketa RS-2US - Missile RS-2US
krilca sem stanjšal v celoti, sprednji rob zadnjih krilc pa je potrebno
priostriti. Manjkajoče detajle sem naredil iz plastike in tanke aluminijaste pločevine.
Front wings must thinned,
front edge of the back wings must be sharpened. Missing details were made of plastic
and thin aluminum foil.
konus na zadnjem delu rakete sem naredil iz prozorne plastike, obroček pa je iz
Albionove cevi premera 1mm.
A transparent conus on the
back of the missile was made of transparent plastic and the ring was made of
Albion tube (1mm).
Udarna glava
rakete je narejena iz injekcijske igle 1,8mm in okrogle plastike, ki sem jo
oblikoval z brušenjem na vrtalniku.
Impactor of missile is made of hypodermic needle(1,8mm) and round plastic, which was shaped with a rotating grinder.
Impactor of missile is made of hypodermic needle(1,8mm) and round plastic, which was shaped with a rotating grinder.
lanser in raketo sem prav tako zlepil že sedaj, saj je na krilo lažje namestiti
komplet, kot pa vsak del posebej.
Pylon, launcher and missile was installed in this phase because is easier install the whole missile than each part individually.
Pylon, launcher and missile was installed in this phase because is easier install the whole missile than each part individually.