petek, 19. september 2014

Mig-21M Eduard 1/48 - FINISHED

Jugoslovansko vojno letalstvo, št. 805 - Yugoslav Air Force
Eduard 1:48

Ker nameravam v prihodnosti narediti še dioramo, objavljam tudi fotografijo iz mojega arhiva, po kateri nameravam to narediti.

Because I intend to do a Diorama in the future, I put this picture from my personal archive, to show what I intend to do.


Fotografija je bila posneta na podzemnem aerodromu Slatina (bivša Jugoslavija). Tu sem kot vojak služil vojaški rok v letih 1977-1978.
The photo was taken at an underground airbase Slatina (former Yugoslavia), where I served in the military deadline in years 1977 to 1978.

Slike gotove makete - Pictures of finished model:

Malo več detajlov - Some more details:



Pa še nekaj bolj "umetniških" - Some more "artistic" pictures:

Več fotografij pa tule (More Photos here):


sobota, 6. september 2014

Mig-21M Eduard 1/48 (Part 12)

Jugoslovansko vojno letalstvo, št. 805 - Yugoslav Air Force
Eduard 1:48
23. Dodatni rezervoar - Additional tank
Rezervoar je bil pretemen, zato sem novega ponovno pobarval z aluminijasto barvo, umazal z oil washem in polakiral. Sledila je montaža najprej topa in nato še rezervoarja.
Additional tank was too dark, so I repainted it with alluminum paint and than made an oil wash and protected everything with a clear coat. The next step was the cannon installation and then the tank.
24. Vrata kolesnega prostora zadaj - Wheels room doors(back)
Najprej sem namestil vrata nato pa na njih prilepil še ročico hidravličnega cilindra, narejeno iz injekcijske igle 0,45mm.
First I installed the doors and then glued the handle of the hydraulic cylinder made from hypodermic needle 0,45mm.
25. Sprednje zračne zavore - Front air-brakes
Zračni zavori morata biti pod pravilnim kotom zato sem uporabil dvokomponentno lepilo.
Air brakes must be glued at the right angle so I used the 2-component glue.
26. Noge podvozja zadaj - Back landing gear
Najprej sem na noge podvozja nalepil oplate in naredil ter namestil kontrolne lučke podvozja.
The first thing I did was glue the plates on the landing gear and install the control lights.
Noge morajo biti malo nagnjene naprej, za kar je že poskrbel Eduard, saj se noge, ko jih namestimo v ležišče zaskočijo pod pravilnim kotom. Sledi še namestitev hidravličnega cilindra z ročico.
Landing gear must be leaned forward, wich Eduard already made correctly because the landing gear fits perfectly into holes at the right angle.
27. Pozicijske luči na krilu - Position lights on the wing
Naredil sem jih iz prozorne plastike, ki sem jo toplotno oblikoval v željeno obliko in velikost (premer lučk je 0,8mm) ter pobarval s Tamiya prozornimi barvami.
I made the light from the clear plastic and used the flame to get the desired shape and size(0,8mm) and then I painted the lights with Tamiya clear paints.
29. Zaključek - Ending
To je zadnji prispevek v delavnici, manjka samo še montaža raket. Naslednji prispevek bo torej gotova  maketa.
This was the final post in the workshop, the only thing missing on the model are the rockets. The next post will be the gallery of the finished model.

Kompletna delavnica (Detailed Workshop here):