Delavnica 3.del - Workshop part 3
Nadaljeval sem z izdelavo katapultnih sedežev. Uporabil sem kar originalna Monogramova sedeža. Skoraj vse detajle sem odbrusil in izdelal nove; nekatere sem si preprosto izmislil, saj je to "what if" maketa.
I continued with the ejection seats, using the original Monogram seats. I sanded off most of the details and made new ones; this being a “what-if” model, some of them are simply a product of my imagination.
Pasove sem naredil iz tankega belega papirja, ki sem ga narezal na trakove ustrezne širine in pobarval.
The seatbelts are made from thin white paper, which I cut into strips of appropriate width and then painted.
Gotova katapultna sedeža:
The finished ejection seats:
Skoraj vso notranjost pokrova kabine sem naredil v samogradnji, uporabil pa sem tudi vse jedkane dele iz Eduardovega seta.
Most of the canopy interior is built from scratch, using all the etched parts from the Eduard set.
Kot sem že omenil na začetku, bo zadnji del mojega letala predstavljal trup makete F-18 C. Kot pri F-14 sem se tudi tu najprej lotil izdelave kolesnega prostora. Pobrusil sem vse že nalite detajle in stene naredil na novo. Za stene sem uporabil tudi Eduardove jedkane dele.
As I mentioned at the beginning, the tail of my aircraft is made from the fuselage of the F-18 C model. Like with the F-14, I first started working on the undercarriage bay. I sanded off all pre-poured details and made new walls. The walls are also made from the Eduard etched parts.
Sledila je izdelava zadnje pristajalne noge. Postopek izdelave in uporabljeni materiali so isti kot pri sprednji pristajalni nogi.
Then I started working on the rear undercarriage legs. The building process and the materials used were the same as for the front undercarriage leg.
Nadaljeval sem z izdelavo kabine zadnjega strelca. Tudi tu je bilo potrebno odbrusiti vse že nalite detajle in narediti nove površine iz stirena in bakrene folije.
I continued with the tail gunner cockpit. All the pre-poured details had to be sanded off and new surfaces made from styrene and copper wire.
Za katapultni sedež sem kot osnovo uporabil kar Monogramov sedež in ga ustrezno predelal.
For the ejection seat, I remodelled a Monogram seat.
Takoj za katapultnim sedežem je kar nekaj detajlov za katere sem uporabil Eduardove jedkane dele, večina pa je samogradnja.
For some the details right behind the ejection seat, I used the Eduard etched parts, but most of them are built from sratch.
V glavnem sem dokončal tudi pokrov kabine. Spodnji okvir sem dodelal s stirenom, da sem lahko uporabil jedkane dele. Vse instalacije so samogradnja.
The canopy is mostly finished. I finished the bottom frame with styrene so that I could use the etched parts. All installations are built from scratch.
Končno sem maketo lahko sestavil in zlepil. Sledilo je precej kitanja in brušenja. Na mestih kjer so bile potrebne velike količine kita, sem uporabil dvokomponentni kit.
Finally, I could assemble and glue the model together. This was followed by a lot of puttying and polishing. Two spots required large quantities of putty, for which I used a two-part putty.
Maketo sem nato pobarval s temeljno barvo in pokazalo se je še kar nekaj nepravilnosti. Ponovno je bilo potrebno kitati in brusiti.
The model was then painted with base paint, which revealed quite a few irregularities. The model needed additional puttying and polishing.
Že takoj na začetku izdelave sem se odločil, da bo maketa rdeče barve. Izbral sem RLM23 od Model Mastra.
Right from the start, I decided to make the model red. I chose the RLM23 Model Master.