nedelja, 10. november 2024


Delavnica 5.del - Workshop part 5

Dokončal sem spodnjo stran makete. Namestil sem izpušne šobe vzletno-pristajalnih motorjev, pristajalne luči in oba spodnja motorja. 

I finished the bottom of the model. I made the exhaust nozzles for the take-off and landing engines, the landing lights and both bottom engines.



Dokončal sem tudi oba kolesna prostora. Najprej sprednjega:

I also finished both undercarriage bays. First the front:


in nato še zadnjega:

And then the back:

Naredil sem tudi " uvlačljive stopalke" na X- wingih, ker imata tudi funkcijo pristajalnih nog.

I also made the retractable paddles on the X-wings because they also function as undercarriage legs.

Za repnega strelca sem naredil anteno- uporabil sem vzmet od pokvarjene kuharske ure:

I made an antenna for the tail gunner, using the spring of a broken clock:

Končno sem maketo lahko postavil na pristajalne noge in preveril če maketa trdno stoji na vseh štirih nogah hkrati in če je s simetrijo vse v redu.

Finally, I could turn the model over and check if it sits firmly on all four undercarriage legs, making sure it was symmetrical.

Sledilo je staranje. Uporabil sem panel liner na servisnih oplatah in njihovih vijakih in oljne barve za ponazoritev obledelosti. Na koncu sem maketo še malo umazal s pigmenti.

The next task was weathering. I used a panel liner on the service panels and their screws, and oil paint for fading. In the end, I used pigments to make the model look a little dirty.

Preveril sem tudi, če pristajalne noge prenesejo težo vseh štirih motorjev.

I also checked if the undercarriage legs can carry the weight of all four engines.

 Z dodatno težo ni nobenih težav, zato sem se lotil izdelave oborožitve. Najprej je bila na vrsti izdelava oborožitve repnega strelca. Potrebno je bilo izdelati nosilec za vso oborožitev za kar sem uporabil različne plastične dele, ki so mi ostali od prejšnjih maket, nekaj stirena in aluminijasto pločevino.

As the extra weight was not causing any problems, I began working on the armament. I started with the tail gunner. I had to make a weapon station, using various plastic parts left from previous models, some styrene and aluminium sheet metal.

 Za zgornjo oborožitev sem nabavil Mastrove strojnice Spandau v merilu 1:32, nabojniki so samogradnja.

For the upper armament, I bought the Master Model 1/32 Spandau machine guns and made the ammunition boxes myself.

 Za izdelavo Gatlinga sem nabavil Mastrove strojnice za B-17 v merilu 1:32. Uporabil sem različne plastične in jedkane dele, ki so mi ostali od drugih maket, tudi nabojniki so samogradnja.

For the Gatling, I bought the Master Model 1/32 B-17 machine guns. I used various plastic and etched parts that I had left from other models and again constructed the ammunition boxes myself.

 Nazadnje sem izdelal še dva topova, ki spadata v kategorijo znanstvene fantastike. Uporabil sem injekcijske igle, stiren, bakreno cev, vzmeti in jedkane dele.

Finally, I made two sci-fi cannons. I used injection needles, styrene, copper wire, springs and etched parts.

 Sledilo je barvanje in sestavljanje.

Then followed the painting and assembly.

 Nabojne pasove sem naredil iz 0,3mm tankega stirena in aluminijaste folije:

The ammunition belt is made from 0.3mm styrene and aluminium foil:

 Še montaža vsega skupaj na letalo.

I installed everything on the plane.