sobota, 1. julij 2023


Delavnica 4.del - Workshop part 4

Maketo sem polakiral z MRP "semigloss" lakom in nalepil vse nalepke in jedkane dele. 

I coated the model with a MRP semigloss varnish and affixed all the decals and etched parts.


Sledila je izdelava obeh zgornjih motorjev. Nabavil sem izpušne šobe za F-14 od Aires-a, prijatelj mi je odstopil šobe za F-4, nekaj delov, ki so nekako pasali zraven pa sem imel sam.Uporabil sem tudi embalažo za vitaminske tablete, brivne glave od starega brivskega aparata, nekaj delov pa je bilo potrebno izdelati iz stirena.

Then I started working on the two upper engines. I bought Aires F-14 exhaust nozzles, got a few F-4 nozzles from a friend, and I had some leftover parts from previous projects  that sort of fit. I also used vitamin pills packaging and blades from an old shaver ,and made a few parts from styrene.

Za nosilce motorjev sem uporabil kar podkrilne nosilce od F-18, ki sem jih malo predelal. Nabavil sem tudi plastične mreže.

For engine pylons, I remodelled the F-18 underwing pylons. I also bought plastic netting.

Pred barvanjem sem dele motorja poskusno sestavil.

Before painting them, I did a trial assembly of the engine parts.

Sledilo je barvanje in ponovno poskusno sestavljanje.

This was followed by painting and another trial assembly.

Zunanje oplate izpušne šobe sem naredil iz bakrene folije.

I made the external panel plates of the exhaust nozzles from copper foil.

Manjkale so še razne inštalacije. Za njihovo izdelavo sem uporabil okrogle palice iz stirena, Albion cevi, injekcijske igle in še kaj. Na koncu sem seštel vse sestavne dele enega motorja in prišel do številke 352.

Then I needed various installations, for which I used styrene round rods, Albion tubes, injection needles and other materials. When I counted them all, I had 352 parts of one engine in total.

Slike motorjev na letalu.

Pictures of the engines on the aircraft.

Nadaljeval sem z izdelavo spodnjih dveh motorjev oziroma njihove zadnje polovice. Imel sem izpušne šobe Academy-jeve makete od Mig-a 29, imel sem še nekaj uporabnih delov, ki pa jim ne poznam več njihovega izvora. Za notranjost izpušnih šob sem uporabil Eduardove jedkane dele za Mig-a 21. Razne detajle sem izdelal iz istih materialov kot pri zgornjih motorjih.

Next, I started making the bottom two engines or their rear halves. I had Academy Mig-29 model exhaust nozzles and a few other useful parts, whose origin I forgot. The interior of the exhaust nozzles is made from Eduard Mig-21 etched parts. Various details were made from the same materials that were used for the upper engines.

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